Endorsement: Joe Biden for President of the United States

“Biden is Back” Rally at the University of Delaware in 2017.

Contact: Dylan Rosenthal, Director of Communications, udeldems@gmail.com

College Democrats at the University of Delaware are excited to endorse our fellow Blue Hen, Joe Biden, for President of the United States! After decades of service as a Senator for the First State and eight years as Vice President of the United States, we are proud to be standing alongside the former Vice President as he becomes the presumptive Democratic nominee for the presidency.

We know the Biden family. We see them on campus, at sporting events, the beaches, and at ice cream parlors up and down the state. We know who they are and what they stand for. In the past, our members have helped the former Vice President campaign for the Senate in Delaware and as part of the Presidential ticket in 2008 and 2012. Through the Biden Institute on campus, we’ve also gotten to meet and speak with some of the amazing people who have served or are currently serving under the former Vice President. These interactions have been a true testament to Joe Biden’s authenticity and integrity as a public servant, and have made it clear to us that he and those around him know the value of good public policy designed to benefit Americans. Our members now look forward to doing whatever we can to elect Joe Biden as our next president, and to bring our country on a new path towards progress.

Joe Biden is the embodiment of every characteristic of what defines a leader, none of which the current President has. Biden has the honor and empathy that Donald Trump lacks, and is exactly the kind of leader we need to handle a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic. Vice President Biden has the experience of pulling an economy out of crisis and fighting outbreaks of disease. He helped save the auto industry and pulled the country out of the Great Recession and fought the outbreaks of the H1N1 and the Ebola viruses. He has the knowledge and skills to lead on day one.

In the Senate, Biden wrote the Violence Against Women Act, spearheaded the federal assault weapons ban, and introduced one of the first climate change bills in our federal government’s history. In the Obama Administration, Biden was at the forefront of the Administration’s efforts to legalize marriage equality and pass the Affordable Care Act, and was instrumental in negotiating several major multinational agreements like the Paris Accords and the Iran Deal.

As President, Biden will fight for causes that we all believe so passionately in. We understand that many college students and young people across the country would have preferred a candidate that was calling for a revolution, big structural change, or a new way forward. As young people, we’ve grown up in a world where large, structural problems in our society are widely prevalent: income inequality, climate change, mass incarceration and systemic racism, our healthcare system, and the integrity of our elections are all issues that we will have to reckon with sooner rather than later. But let’s be clear: a second term for Trump would be disastrous for our chances to solve these issues, and Joe Biden is right there with us, ready to work to solve these issues. He will tackle these issues head-on, and work to establish lasting progress on so many of the issues that our country faces today.

A Joe Biden administration will listen to us when we talk about these problems, and offer solutions to address them. Joe Biden plans to make college affordable to all and reduce student loan debt, pass bold policies to address our climate crisis, make the minimum wage a living wage, along with many other policies designed to address our biggest issues. Already, Biden has adopted policy measures that progressive candidates like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren supported in the primary. He and Sanders have also worked together to establish six policy working groups on some of our most pressing issues, featuring prominent progressives such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Pramila Jayapal. We believe that these actions show Biden’s willingness to listen to the issues that we care about in good faith, and offer solutions to solve the country’s biggest problems.

Democrats are coming together after a hard fought primary — every former Democratic candidate for president is now backing the former Vice President. Every one of Biden’s former competitors in the presidential race know that the stakes are just too high to sit this one out. For that reason, we are ready to put in the work to make sure that Vice President Biden becomes President-elect Biden in November, and we hope you will too.

We are in a fight for the soul of our nation this upcoming November. Vice President Biden cannot do this without our help. If you want to build a more just, more progressive America, please go to joebiden.com and donate if you are able to, or sign up to volunteer!



University of Delaware College Democrats

College Democrats at the University of Delaware. Fighting for Democrats and progressive values in the First State. Proud Blue Hens.