Endorsement: Madinah Wilson-Anton for Delaware’s 26th Representative District

Contact: Dylan Rosenthal, Director of Communications, udeldems@gmail.com

College Democrats at the University of Delaware is proud to endorse Madinah Wilson-Anton for Delaware’s 26th Representative District!

Madinah is a graduate student at the University of Delaware and works as a policy analyst at the Biden Institute. She has served as a legislative staffer down at Legislative Hall, and has seen firsthand how the policy process works in Dover.

Madinah has been running a unique campaign that shows our members and voters in the 26th Representative District that she will be a different kind of representative in Dover. She has released detailed policy proposals and is the author of the Delaware Green New Deal, a plan that moves Delaware to 100 percent renewable energy by 2050.

From the beginning, Madinah’s campaign has been showing Delawareans that her campaign is about lifting up and empowering working class people. The 26th Representative District has a large percentage of residents living in rental properties or manufactured homes, and Madinah’s campaign has hosted events teaching tenants their rights as renters. This is not just about fighting for the right policies; for Madinah, it's also about being an active part of her community.

Campaign promises and proposals aside, we know that Madinah will be a frontline advocate for the issues that our members and the residents of her district believe in. We ask that if you live in the 26th Representative District, that you vote for Madinah by September 15th, in whatever way you feel is the most safe.



University of Delaware College Democrats

College Democrats at the University of Delaware. Fighting for Democrats and progressive values in the First State. Proud Blue Hens.