Statement regarding Secretary DeVos’ changes to Title IX

Contact: Dylan Rosenthal, Director of Communications,

This week, Secretary DeVos announced major changes to the Department of Education’s Title IX policy. Instead of trying to stengthen protections for survivors of sexual assault, Secretary DeVos decided it is more important to protect those who are accused.

These changes reduce legal liabilities and responsibilities for colleges and universities nationwide, and further limits which cases universities are required to investigate. Additionally, survivors will have to endure cross-examination from their abuser. This new policy is cruel and will inflict unnecessary pain upon survivors, who will now be forced to relive their trauma even more.

Sexual assault is an issue that plagues colleges and universities nationwide, and this is just another example of the cruel policies directed at survivors pushed for by the Trump Administration. Secretary DeVos has done nothing to combat sexual assault on college campuses, and it is more clear now than ever before that she has no intentions of doing so. For this reason, Secretary DeVos should resign from her position as Secretary of Education.

We stand with the myriad of advocacy groups, elected officials, and universities in opposition to these new policies. We also call on the University of Delaware to oppose these changes, and to renew their commitment to protect survivors and not abusers.



University of Delaware College Democrats

College Democrats at the University of Delaware. Fighting for Democrats and progressive values in the First State. Proud Blue Hens.